About Us

Jiu Jitsu for everyone.

Borås Grappling Academy (BGA) is located at Trandared in Borås, Sweden. We are a friendly BJJ gym that provides training opportunities for all kinds of people regardless of who you are or what your goals are. Despite of affiliation or team belonging you are welcome to come train and visit us.
BGA is proud to be a part of the Dynamix Fighting Sports affiliation, SBJJF and SSWF. Photography by Doni Shala

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Annual membership:
100 SEK

Training Fee (every 6 months):
Kids 4-12 yrs 500 SEK
Youth 13-17 yrs 900 SEK
Adult 18-65+ 1500 SEK

Payable via invoice, just e-mail your name and personal information to borasgrapplingacademy@gmail.com and we’ll send you an invoice.
Swish-payment to 1234790325


“Jiu jitsu is the science and art of control that leads to submission”

— John Danaher